Saturday, October 29, 2011

Vegan Mofo is almost over :(

It's crazy that October is almost coming to a close! ...and with that the Vegan Month of Food blog posts wrap up. I've impressed myself by actually keeping up with my posts this time around. I even disappointed myself by not posting yesterday, because I was not feeling well and just didn't have it in me. However, I am going to make a deal with myself to continue to post at least once, if not twice a week, or more and not allow myself slack off now that MoFo is ending!  (Now enough about "myself")

I've loved reading and following other bloggers who were taking part in Vegan MoFo and have enjoyed this exercise of writing and cooking and sharing with people around the world.

When I checked my comments today, I was honored to find that I had been nominated for a Liebster award by Vegangela.  A couple of Angela's posts have ended up in the Vegan MoFo blogroll and everything on her blog looks so yummy! She's also got a thing for cashew cheese and I approve! This is a perfect time to give a little of the blog love back :)

The Liebster award usually requires a lot of re-linking (the idea behind it to get some recognition for blogs with less than 200 followers), but since we're so close to the end of the month, I just thought I'd give a quick shout out to some of the fabulous bloggers who were nice enough to comment on my blog and show some love to my posts this month, as well as a few others that I've also enjoyed.
Kohlrabi and Quince: I was thrilled to learn that Kelly was blogging about vegan slow cooking.  I love my slow cooker but it hardly gets any use. Having a source for some slow cooked ideas has been great. Slow cooker + brussel sprouts + coconut= I want to try this!

Miso for Breakfast is always showing a little love with giveaways and keeps us all abreast new books and products. Yay! has been doing a cookbook challenge, picking random recipes out of random cookbooks and everything on the blog looks fun and delish!

Heather's photos at Better with Veggies always make my mouth water. I love her "VeganizeIt!" posts.

Oh what a Tasty Planet it would be if every meal was filled with a few of the loves Becky and I share in posts: kale, rosemary, and cashew cheese.

I wish Sarah of Winged Snail lived in my oven and would pop out to bake for me all the time. There is only one word for all the baked goods posted on her blog and that is YUM!

Unhealthy Vegan smothered barbecue sauce over squash and that sounds amazing.

I love Crafty Earth Mama for the adorable pictures of babygirl. I want to pinch those cheeks! And the food looks delicious too; a good mix of raw and cooked recipes and vegan mac and cheese.

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